Press Release

Niagara Networks and Fenror7 Announce Technology Partnership to Strengthen Enterprise Network Security

February 9, 2017

 San Jose, California, May 8, 2019 - Niagara Networks, a pioneer of network security and visibility layer, and Fenror7, a cutting-edge threat detection security provider, have partnered to provide a highly scalable lateral internal threat detection analysis solution that provides security across various network deployments and device types. 

Together the strategic partnership will provide:
  • Lower the Time to Detection (TTD) of hackers, malware, APTs, and other threats in enterprises and organizations by 90%.
  • A near immediate detection of internal lateral security threats in high-utility networks, with speeds aggregated to 100Gbps and above.
  • A reduction in down time with built-in network bypass for device failure, maintenance windows, and network outages.
Being able to detect a threat within large amounts of network traffic across the enterprise requires multiple probes placed separately in different networks. By integrating the Fenror7 detection engine with the Niagara Networks Packetron™ NPB, different areas of the network can be easily analyzed for security threats. This joint solution will allow a flexible lateral network security platform, leveraging the power of Niagara Networks' packet brokers, bypass switches, and network Tap's with Fenror7's near real-time cyber security analytics.
Fenror7's line of lateral movement detection products allows near immediate detection of attacks and requires less updates compared to other solutions, while being less sensitive to ever changing attack trends and zero-day vulnerabilities. Whether your enterprise's network consists entirely of workstations and servers, or includes your vehicle fleet or coffee machines, Fenror7 will provide consistent early detection without fail.
Fenror7 threat detection application is integrated into Niagara Network's Open Architecture Packetron NPB. The unique integration allows existing customers and prospects of Niagara Network's visibility solutions to utilize the built-in threat detection that guarantees immediate detection of threats in a matter of hours. The combined approach reduces downtime and enhances security in large deployment.

"We are delighted to announce our strategic partnership with Fenror7," said Yigal Amram, Vice President of Business Development and Sales Engineering at Niagara Networks. "This unique joint solution ensures full packet visibility with automated mitigation response to ensure a more efficient and simplified security infrastructure."
Yaniv Miron, CEO of Fenror7, added that "this exciting partnership will help offer critical cyber security foundations that provides resilience, protection and mitigation."
Together, Niagara Networks and Fenror7 continue to deliver unique integrated solutions to augment customers' security and visibility posture.

About Fenror7:

Armed with the understanding that existing security solutions do not provide the expected fast, consistent and effective detection of internal cyber threats, Fenror7 set out to provide a better and more efficient way to solve the problem by addressing it from an attacker's point of view. While other solutions attempt to detect lateral movement based on techniques that rely on end-point solutions, signatures or user behavior, we reveal undetected cyber threats as they move by detecting attack concepts which can't be avoided or easily disguised as the attack spreads out through your network.

About Niagara Networks:

Niagara Networks provides high performance network visibility solutions for seamless administration of security solutions, performance management and network monitoring. Niagara Networks products provide advantages in terms of network operation expenses, downtime, and total cost of ownership.

A former division of Interface Masters, Niagara Networks provides all the building blocks for an advanced Visibility Adaptation Layer at all data rates up to 100Gb, including Taps, bypass elements, packet brokers and a unified management layer. Thanks to its integrated in-house capabilities and tailor-made development cycle, Niagara Networks are agile in responding to market trends and in meeting the customized needs of service providers, enterprise, data centers, and government agencies.

The joint Niagara Networks and Fenror7 solution is available from both companies.
Read the Niagara Networks and Fenror7 joint solution brief.

Visit the Fenror7 Partner Page. 

For more information about Niagara Networks, visit


Niagara Networks, Inc.